The problem with vaccine mandates
I live near Middlefield Ohio, the center of the fourth largest Amish settlement in America. I regularly see the horse and buggy operations on the road...
I live near Middlefield Ohio, the center of the fourth largest Amish settlement in America. I regularly see the horse and buggy operations on the road...
About 2,700 years ago a storytelling slave named Aesop told tales of political, religious, and social themes...
I remember hearing it all the time, it was half joking and half serious, my father was a pediatrician and he’d say: take two pills and call me in the morning...
A year ago, when I examined the lessons of hatred and political violence in the US, I made note of the ugly role dehumanization and hate played in the alt-right’s support of Donald Trump.
In the first few weeks of class I usually ask students: can you think of any part of your daily life that is not regulated?...
Now, more than ever, it is necessary for the U.S. to be smart about our narrative and the appraisal of our role in the world...
I have been teaching political science for more than a decade and politicians do not make my job easy...
Reflect for a moment that Mt. Shasta, off the I-5 in Northern California, was described by John Muir in 1877 as: “Go where you will within a radius of from fifty to a hundred miles, there stands the colossal cone of Shasta...
SOS: will the world answer the calls for help? by Wim Laven 717 words Published in: Black Star News, Z...
In March of 1991, at the age of 13, my life changed. I watched footage of police violence so staggeringly brutal that I had a million questions and no answers...
This academic term I’m teaching my college courses fully online; a year into the global pandemic of COVID-19, and it’s not safe to public health for classes to be held face-to-face...
‘Whataboutism’ is not a defense by Wim Laven 749 words Published in: Anchorage Press, LA Progressive, Black News, Westside Gazette,...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was profoundly moved by injustice and inequality ubiquitous...
Be Prepared to Defend Democracy by Wim Laven 741 words Published in: LA Progressive, The Gilmer Mirror, Counterpunch, Sierra County...
Matthew Shepard, just 21, was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime on October 7, 1998, taking five agonizing days to die of his wounds. Sadly, in 2020, the US has not learned the lessons underlying hatred and political violence.