Welcome, children
Welcome, children, to the world we so-called adults are handing over to you—a planetary culture of lies and power...
Welcome, children, to the world we so-called adults are handing over to you—a planetary culture of lies and power...
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared that he wants Russia weakened. Of course he meant militarily weakened.
The planet and its national and international institutions are not even close to facing the realities that confront us. Instead, we live in a fantasy la-la land, or what Greta Thunberg might call blah-blah land.
There’s been a lot of “whataboutism” muddying the dialogue around the deeper causes of the cruel and pointless Ukraine invasion.
While the invasion of Ukraine is a body blow to worldwide hopes for peace, it is still an opportunity to reassess establishment thinking about nuclear deterrence...
As we lock horns with the cruel and out-of-touch Putin, once again we’re at a moment that too closely resembles the Cuban crisis of 1962. We really don’t seem to have learned very much since then. Sixty years is a long time not to have figured out that nuclear chicken is a game with no winners.
Putin’s cruel invasion of the Ukraine reminds us that there are leaders of countries—and not only Putin—who think and act according to the conviction that if they do not get their way, they might turn to nuclear weapons as a last resort.
"As the Ukrainian people endure horrors that are all the worse for being absurdly unnecessary, it is difficult to avoid pondering the most horrific absurdity of all:..."
I've been in Belize with my partner so we can spend time with her son and grandchildren who live there. The pandemic had kept everyone apart for a couple of years. ..
The corporate-military-political complex that continues to renew the arsenals of the nine nuclear nations represents a colossal failure of imagination.
The less than ideal outcome of the latest climate talks in Scotland reminds us of an inconvenient truth: as yet there is no human authority on Earth powerful enough to enforce the preservation of the commons.
A Second Civil War? by Winslow Myers 920 words Published in: LA Progressive, Daily Advent, The Chronicle, Sierra County Prospect,...
The Hill We Can Climb Together by Winslow Myers 673 words Published in: The Daily Review, Black Star News, Art...
The Ever-Changing Shape of Love by Winslow Myers 670 words Published in: LA Progressive, The Berkeley Independent, Counterpunch, The Westside...
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.