The American Inquisition Cometh
The American Inquisition Cometh by Kary Love 1264 words Don Trump, current temporary occupant of the elective office of President...
The American Inquisition Cometh by Kary Love 1264 words Don Trump, current temporary occupant of the elective office of President...
How I Became “Mentally Ill” from JFK to Today by Kary Love 1623 words I urge you to learn the...
Tyrannicide: an American value? by Kary Love 728 words The US has a long, chequered relationship with assassination. On one...
No Holy Day: July 1, 2024 Negated July 4, 1776 by Kary Love 716 words The Declaration of Independence (“DOI”)...
Photo by TopSphere Media on Unsplash
When Nukes Are Illegal Only Criminals Will Have Nukes by Kary Love 876 words Dangnabbit, that’s where we are at. ...
Voting for Caligula by Kary Love 1457 words The Roman Republic ended when the Roman people decided to vote for...
Upside Down Freedom by Kary Love 629 words Written upon learning?…? ?…?that a federal appeals court in Louisiana (5th Circuit)...
Kill Us All and Let Allah Sort It Out? by Kary Love 1305 words It does appear America has gone...
Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons Anniversary Celebration 22 January by Kary Love 664 words Published in: Dates: People of the world...
V. Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine is a war crime. Although the “NATO expansion” and apparent effort to encircle Russia on its western border with new NATO members despite the promise of the Bush I administration not to do so, may be considered on the issue of appropriate punishment, it is no defense to the crime.
Threshold question: should we hold trials or join Joe Stalin like he proposed after WWII for Hitler and his Hit Men, and just lynch those responsible...
I have represented nuns, priests, and lay believers, who were arrested, prosecuted (I now say “persecuted”) for pouring their blood on US nuclear ICBMs or other nuclear weapons and praying for peace.
Imagine the horror of the Uvalde school shooting parents waiting outside the school for the next shot. Like some grotesque experiment of Schrodinger’s Cat, they were suspended between death and life, as their children were inside, suspended between shots, in a bizarre state of uncertainty, at the whim of the shooter.
Great patriots have warned Americans of the possibility an Iron Curtain of authoritarianism could descend upon America, making America over in the image of its Fascist enemies.