Biden and the World: A First Look at His Foreign Affairs Team
"President-elect Joe Biden has introduced his foreign policy and national security team..."
"President-elect Joe Biden has introduced his foreign policy and national security team..."
Some of my people want me to say Sleepy Joe won the election. But I think I’ll keep holding out...
As Americans look forward to a new era without Donald Trump, one thing stands out:...
Trump’s game by Mel Gurtov 738 words Published in: Counterpunch, Mel Gurtov, The Chronicle, Westside Gazette, LA Progressive, The Gilmer...
In the next several weeks, President-elect Joe Biden will be preoccupied with creating a 100-day action agenda. It might be called “Operation Renewal.” Here are my top-10 choices, in no particular order...
In Defense of Confucius Institutes by Mel Gurtov 1307 words Published in: Counterpunch, Sierra County Prospect, The Chronicle, Mel Gurtov...
In what we can only hope is its terminal phase, the Trump administration is doing everything it can to make a mockery of American democracy.
Our Deranged President by Mel Gurtov 458 words Published in: LA Progressive, Mel Gurtov, The Chronicle, The Scott Free, Counterpunch,...
"I just want to say that the end of the pandemic is in sight,” Donald Trump said Thursday night. A day later he was airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital, down with (reportedly) mild symptoms of COVID-19—so “mild” that he’s now going to stay “several” days instead of “a few” as initially reported.