It’s Time to Abolish the Filibuster
The filibuster has proved more pernicious to democracy than any other procedural rule of Congress. It’s time for it to go.
The filibuster has proved more pernicious to democracy than any other procedural rule of Congress. It’s time for it to go.
If you look at how polls and politics are shaping up, it is shamefully obvious that Republicans, in general, simply do not represent what most Americans say they want.
My Dad skated for the Minnesota Gophers hockey team after he finally got done serving “for the duration” in World War II in the Philippines. So, of course, he was our coach as we PeeWees tried to learn to play hockey in Minnesota in the late 1950s. As a coach, one of his favorite go-to instructions to us was, “OK, team, back to the basics!”...
Ever since its founding, the United States has been attempting to build a society around those wounds, on the belief that hyped-up language...
Where We Are and Where We’re Headed by Mel Gurtov 534 words Published in: City Watch LA, LA Progressive, Black...
Stealing the vote, building a wall by Robert C. Koehler 936 words Published in: LA Progressive, Black Star News, City...
Back in July 1962, when, according to Donald Trump, America was “great,” I was in the Deep South, working to register Black voters. It was a near-hopeless project, given the mass disenfranchisement of the region’s Black population that was enforced by Southern law and white terrorism...
“That’s the uber-message quietly emerging from the new anti-abortion laws recently passed in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio and Missouri, no matter...
“Here in America, we celebrate democracy by staying in touch with the lack of it. What better way to honor...