China, Russia, and the Bomb
Even international alliances can unravel when nations confront the insanity of a nuclear holocaust.
Even international alliances can unravel when nations confront the insanity of a nuclear holocaust.
Antifa comes swarming into the street, hurling full soda cans at cops and at windows, believing they alone have the right to "burn it down," ala Pol Pot, start over, Year Zero.
Sixty years ago this week, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I was in my mother’s womb. My young, sweet mom was terrified she’d never get to see me be born, as the world teetered on the brink of unimaginable calamity. It’s bewildering to me that nuclear crises bookend my life at this point.
The primitive stupidity of the global “security” system in which we continue to drift 60 years after the Cuban crisis is beyond shameful.
President Biden surprised his top advisers along with everyone else when, at a fundraising event, he referred to “Armageddon” in the Ukraine war: Russia’s possible use of a nuclear weapon.
Putin’s on the ballot by Tom H. Hastings 478 words Really, everything’s on the ballot. We hear that reproductive rights...
I adore "my" hummingbirds, arguably the best in-close flyers in the world, with reaction times so fast they zip in next to angry defensive bees to score a sip of sugar water despite the bees coming at them in a bee fury that would dissuade virtually any other critter, including me.
Something extraordinary is happening in the course of Russia’s war in Ukraine. Putin is taking a hit from all sides. Opposition to the war is coming from home and abroad.
There is no doubt that the Russian invasion of Ukraine constitutes a criminal act of aggression. What lay behind this, however, is a complicated set of competing geopolitical ambitions and threat perceptions,
When Hitler invaded Poland, 1 September 1939, the US...did nothing. But the UK and France declared war on Germany.
The Russian government’s justifications for its war in Ukraine?the largest, most destructive military operation in Europe since World War II?are not persuasive.
Of late (generational dark humor alert), I have begun to feel as though Professor Peabody and his trusty human Sherman have stuffed me into their WayBack Machine and sent me back to 2003...
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared that he wants Russia weakened. Of course he meant militarily weakened.
The planet and its national and international institutions are not even close to facing the realities that confront us. Instead, we live in a fantasy la-la land, or what Greta Thunberg might call blah-blah land.
During World War II, US sailors were warned: Loose lips sink ships. A similar warning should have gone out to all US officials in recent days—and the President should have been the first to acknowledge that the warning included him.