Cease-fire Agreements in the Middle East Seem More Remote than Ever
Cease-fire Agreements in the Middle East Seem More Remote than Ever by Mel Gurtov 767 words “Blood on His Hands”...
Cease-fire Agreements in the Middle East Seem More Remote than Ever by Mel Gurtov 767 words “Blood on His Hands”...
A Package Deal Full of Holes by Mel Gurtov 276 words The Biden administration has been working on a package...
Heat—or Light? by Winslow Myers 523 words Civil disobedience, the willingness to break a law and endure the consequences for...
Way Outside the Confines of the Box by Tom H. Hastings 675 words “Insanity is doing the same thing over...
Absurd! by Winslow Myers 821 words Absurd — ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous (Merriam-Webster) The condition of absurdity has been examined in...
The Law of the Jungle: Our Teacher? by Robert C. Koehler 928 words Perhaps the primary value of war –...
Cease Fire? Obstacles and Opportunities by Mel Gurtov 818 words Appeals for a cease fire in Israel’s war with Hamas...
The War in Israel: Costs and Consequences by Mel Gurtov 1059 words The Victims Israel’s air war on Gaza is...
The Hamas Attack on Israel by Mel Gurtov 938 words Terror and Retribution Once again, Israel and the Palestinians are...
The Widening Breach, in Israel and in Israel-US Relations by Mel Gurtov 853 words The Growing Divide Israel’s Knesset, or...
Violence and Resistance in Israel and Palestine Ramps Up by Haley Morrow 612 words Just this week, elite fighter pilots...
No one should be surprised to find Benjamin Netanyahu back as prime minister of Israel, with decisive support from far-right religious extremists.
U.N. Secretary General António Guterres urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to go “beyond the restoration of calm to start a serious dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict.” Noble idea, but don’t expect anything of the sort. ..
“The president reiterated his firm support for Israel’s right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attack,” The Guardian has informed us, as conflict flares once more in the Middle East.
“The problem with the Middle East is that you can try to turn your back on it, but it won’t turn its back on you,” said Martin S. Indyk, former US ambassador to Israel...