How Mass Deportation Harms All Working People
How Mass Deportation Harms All Working People by Andrew Moss 790 words Donald Trump vowed to begin deporting undocumented migrants...
How Mass Deportation Harms All Working People by Andrew Moss 790 words Donald Trump vowed to begin deporting undocumented migrants...
Anti-Immigrant Agitation in a Nation of Immigrants by Lawrence S. Wittner 958 words In recent days, Donald Trump and his...
by Mel Gurtov 1155 words The Results and the Implications When it comes to paying attention to international news, Americans...
Europe Is Moving Farther to the Right on Energy and Immigration by Mel Gurtov 754 words Self-Preservation Over Principle Politics...
It wasn’t long ago that we awoke to images and stories of families separated at the border, of migrant children locked into dirty, crowded, chain-link pens. For many Americans, this was an alarming introduction to the politics of cruelty that have played out in different periods of American immigration history, but with particular force in the past few years.
I adore "my" hummingbirds, arguably the best in-close flyers in the world, with reaction times so fast they zip in next to angry defensive bees to score a sip of sugar water despite the bees coming at them in a bee fury that would dissuade virtually any other critter, including me.
“Frances, do you remember the time we were all lined up against a wall to be shot?” I was in my early 20s and at an afternoon family gathering. As we sat on the patio chatting, my aunt – my mother’s older sister – asked my mother this question.
A gross injustice against young immigrants is slowly working its way through the courts. It centers upon a federal judge’s ruling last year that the DACA Program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was “unlawful,” a ruling that puts in doubt a program that has given tens of thousands of young people brought here as children a temporary, renewable reprieve from deportation...
At a time of children with popsicle-covered faces running around and summer music festivals-- many are celebrating the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond celebrations though, parents of children under 5 scramble to pediatrician offices while immunocompromised folks try to navigate daily life with deadly risks. Healthcare workers face long-term burnout and abuse from patients, long past praise as heroes and applause at the turn of shifts.
Congressional Democrats are now considering a watered-down version of immigration reform, a version they might hope to send through the budget reconciliation process as part of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” spending bill...
It's easy to say, "our immigration system is broken." Or to declare: "we are a nation of immigrants."...
A little more than a year ago, as the pandemic tightened its lethal grip on the nation, a 43-year-old agricultural worker named Nancy Silva received a letter from her employer.
“For the most part, major news organizations like the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles...
“Such gentle abhorrence! It almost doesn’t seem like racism. “But they’re also not people that would easily assimilate into the...
“If you take Interstate 15 about two hours north from Los Angeles, heading into the high desert of San Bernardino...