What I Can Offer as an Old White Dude: Reassurance
What I Can Offer as an Old White Dude: Reassurance by David J. Smith 929 words I remember waking up...
What I Can Offer as an Old White Dude: Reassurance by David J. Smith 929 words I remember waking up...
The Nightmare Returns by Mel Gurtov 859 words Fascism in Charge In his novel The Plot Against America, Philip Roth depicts...
Make America Hate Again by Tom H. Hastings 381 words I’m writing this bit three days before the 2024 US...
A Terrifying Choice Awaits Us by Robert C. Koehler 1029 words Early voting’s underway. My voting site is the Willye...
What this Election Means for Parents and Parenting by Andrew Moss 958 words Parents face unprecedented levels of stress these...
President Bush: You Must Not Remain Silent in This Election by Rob Okun 700 words “In our nation’s 248-year history,...
Putin’s on the ballot by Tom H. Hastings 478 words Really, everything’s on the ballot. We hear that reproductive rights...
In my college days I was a conservative republican. I voted for Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan. But I gave up on the party during the presidential election of 2008...
Pelosi and Biden: Stand Up! by Robert Meeropol 569 words Published in: Greenfield Recorder, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Counterpunch, The Orange...
Though former Vice-President Joe Biden maintains...
Our Deranged President by Mel Gurtov 458 words Published in: LA Progressive, Mel Gurtov, The Chronicle, The Scott Free, Counterpunch,...
What if we stopped separating the looming national chaos into separate categories —racism, climate change, war, vote suppression, election theft, pandemic, science denial, white supremacy, police brutality, etc. — and tried looking at it all at once?
Dear Fellow White Male Boomers, We need your help to end the presidency of tax cheat Donald Trump. Even as he uses every dirty trick he can to become dictator-in-chief, white male baby boomers must help defeat him.
“Religion is fading more quickly in the United States than in any other nation, according to a forthcoming research book.”...
“When I ponder the likelihood of looming electoral chaos — uncounted votes, a defeated president who won’t leave office…” Robert...