Stop Fighting over Deck Chairs While the Ship Is on Fire and Sinking!
Stop Fighting over Deck Chairs While the Ship Is on Fire and Sinking! by John Miksad 705 words We are...
Stop Fighting over Deck Chairs While the Ship Is on Fire and Sinking! by John Miksad 705 words We are...
Scared to death! by John Miksad 1043 words Published in: Black Star News, Minden Press-Herald, Counterpunch, World Beyond War, Elizabethton...
September 21st was designated by the United Nations as International Day of Peace. You could not be blamed for missing it as the news focused on war. We desperately need to move beyond a symbolic day for peace to a just and sustainable peace.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed 77 years ago this week. The two bombs the United States dropped on those cities killed some 200,000 human beings, most of whom were civilians.
Many of us make resolutions at this time of year. These are some of the New Year’s Resolutions I’d like to see my country make. The United States resolves to:
Some 30,000 post 9/11 service members and veterans have been desperate enough to take their own lives.
Currently, the U.S. spends at least three quarters of a trillion dollars each year on the Pentagon...
Ten Reasons to Oppose Militarism & War on Earth Day by John Miksad 497 words Published in: Like the News,...