Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death by Kathy Kelly 1109 words Over the past three...
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death by Kathy Kelly 1109 words Over the past three...
A Pax on Both Your Houses: Trauma Legacies by Tom H. Hastings 944 words Honest minds (and others) are differing...
US War Profiteers vs. US Citizens by Joy First 671 words Hatem Ahmad Hatem Al-Hissi aged 2, Jenna Hamed NaserAl-Asatal...
Scared to death! by John Miksad 1043 words Published in: Black Star News, Minden Press-Herald, Counterpunch, World Beyond War, Elizabethton...
A Year of War in Ukraine: Lessons by Wim Laven 788 words One year later there are many important questions...
Anyone can see it coming, right there on mainstream news. Writers don’t need to warn of the worst because the worst is already unfolding in front of us all.
Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe say the United States can’t afford it, there are no such qualms about ramping up funding for the U.S. military...
“A June 27 Pew Research Center poll says world opinion of the United States has plummeted since Donald Trump took...
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