Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma
Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma by Ian Austin 575 words When considering the “Palestinian Question”, it helps...
Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma by Ian Austin 575 words When considering the “Palestinian Question”, it helps...
War’s Victims Speak the Deepest Truth by Robert C. Koehler 850 words “The past carries unforgettable trauma and pain across...
Voting Beyond Our Pseudo-Democracy by Robert C. Koehler 1046 words Is it possible to expand the stakes of this election...
Two Wars with No Way Out by Mel Gurtov 1664 words People involved in conflict resolution often say that every...
A One-State Solution Could Transform the World by Robert C. Koehler 870 words Probably fewer ideas are treated with more...
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Of Olive Trees, Bison and the Dispossessed by Derek Royden 603 words According to a myth about the founding of...
In What Moral Universe? by Russell Vandenbroucke 678 words What moral universe condones a surprise attack in Israel–lasting less than...
Which side are you on? The false binary of the Israel-Hamas war by Sarena Neyman 810 words As a child...
Israelis and Palestinians: My Imagined Dialogue 339 words (arranged by Russell Vandenbroucke) Man’s inhumanity to man,Makes countless thousands mourn. –Robert...
One Earth, One Humanity, One Spirit by Winslow Myers 1038 words The immensity of the carnage in Ukraine, Sudan, and...
More Than a Cease Fire, a Peace Fire by Rob Okun 814 words As the October 7 war rages on—and...
Time to Abandon International Anarchy? by Lawrence S. Wittner 969 words In December 1934, Arthur Henderson, a leader of the...
Hell Is Not Predestined by Robert C. Koehler 958 words Humanity’s cancer shows up in Israel and Palestine. Missiles fly,...
Arms Deals Are Bad Deals by Tom H. Hastings 1280 words When the US gives arms to other nations, that...