They never tire of abusing Dr. King
From the Dept. of Horrible Chutzpah During the fight over the new House Speaker election, ...
From the Dept. of Horrible Chutzpah During the fight over the new House Speaker election, ...
Leave politics aside for a moment, if you can. What does the word “conservative” mean to you, outside of that cursed arena?
"“The concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.” Even if Mitch McConnell’s viral gaffe last week is as innocent as he claims it to be, the stench of something deep ..."
In a few days, on January 5, Georgia voters will cast ballots for their two new Senators and decide on the...
“At one point when he felt under siege by possible indictments and impeachable offenses, the president whined petulantly, “Where’s my...
“Am I the only one who finds it maddening, not only to consider the indisputable reality that the cult of...
“I find no hero more inspiring than the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I see crucial need for...
“Russia hacked and attacked our 2016 presidential election and installed Donald Trump. This requires annulment…” Author: Tom H. Hastings Published...
“When we speak of people from a particular identity group—ethnicity, nationality, regional group, state, town, or one of many others—we...
“Rights. We are inundated with a great deal of loose talk about “rights.” What sorts of them? Legal rights. Civil...