Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma
Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma by Ian Austin 575 words When considering the “Palestinian Question”, it helps...
Historical narratives, claims, mutual pain, loss, and trauma by Ian Austin 575 words When considering the “Palestinian Question”, it helps...
Echoes of the SS St. Louis today by Derek Royden 671 words On May 13th, 1939, the SS St. Louis,...
Clash: Democracy vs Dictatorship by Tom H. Hastings 588 words It was 1776. The US was a baby nation-state. It...
“Frances, do you remember the time we were all lined up against a wall to be shot?” I was in my early 20s and at an afternoon family gathering. As we sat on the patio chatting, my aunt – my mother’s older sister – asked my mother this question.
A proposed Florida law prohibits any teacher in the state from providing information about the full brutality of our country’s history of black chattel slavery, Jim Crow apartheid that followed along with serial atrocities including the terrorism of lynching, and the legacy of this in contemporary institutionalized racial bias.
In a world long characterized by war and preparations for it, religious groups have taught a variety of responses, ranging from nonparticipation to defining a just war and how it could be fought morally.
“Apparently race and ethnicity have been reduced to a person’s outward physical appearance according to some on the left…” Author:...
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