Iran’s Weakness, America’s Opportunity?
Iran’s Weakness, America’s Opportunity? by Mel Gurtov 967 words Iran’s Problem-filled Situation Taking advantage of another’s troubles: That’s the danger...
Iran’s Weakness, America’s Opportunity? by Mel Gurtov 967 words Iran’s Problem-filled Situation Taking advantage of another’s troubles: That’s the danger...
An Open Letter to Vice President Kamala Harris on US Middle East Policy by Mel Gurtov 590 words Dear Madam...
No One Wants Another Middle East War, but Everyone is Preparing for One by Mel Gurtov 841 words Can Israel...
The Decline of Diplomacy by Derek Royden 581 words In the 2023 Netflix drama, “the Diplomat,” Keri Russell plays Kate...
The ‘Accepted Insanity’ of World War III by Robert C. Koehler 896 words “Mr. Netanyahu faces a delicate calculation —...
Beyond Self-Extinction by Winslow Myers 1109 words Good that defensive anti-missiles worked against Iran’s barrage. Still, two elements were more...
The Israel-Iran Confrontation: Episode or War? by Mel Gurtov 448 words After Israel carried out an air strike on Iran’s...
Facing the reality of a multi-polar world by Derek Royden 719 words The past few months have brought with them...
Sanctions as Siege Warfare by Derek Royden 765 words In the distant past, the one place that people could escape...
A Big Deal: China’s Middle East Diplomatic Coup by Mel Gurtov 937 words A Big Deal for Some By any...
Revisiting the nonviolent Iranian Revolution 44 years later by Haley Morrow with Tom H. Hastings 646 words February 11th marked...
The Iran Protests and US Policy by Mel Gurtov 875 words Published in: Eagle Times, In the Human Interest, LA...
Mahsa Amini, who was preparing to go to university with the goal of becoming a doctor, was taken into custody on Sept. 13 in Tehran by Iranian ‘morality police’. Her crime? Wearing a hijab they deemed “inappropriate."
I’ve been haunted by a phrase for almost a month now: “morality police.” The news has been global. A 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, was arrested as she was leaving a subway station in Tehran on September 13...
Ah, lemonade! As we endure the summer swelter, is there a more refreshing beverage? Making lemonade out of lemons is a worthy and timely endeavor, whether actually or metaphorically.