Give Them the World
Give Them the World by Vanessa Fox 586 words When I was a little girl, I was nourished with healthy...
Give Them the World by Vanessa Fox 586 words When I was a little girl, I was nourished with healthy...
An Unwinnable Situation led to a Racist Electoral College by Wim Laven 841 words In life people face many moral...
The Truth May Hurt, But We Still Have to Face It by Robert C. Koehler 919 words If the right...
Wokeness = Kindness by Jonathan Klate 887 words “Wokeness” is what folks on the political right love to declare themselves...
Jefferson often conceded the Declaration of Independence did not state any new ideas but those that had long circulated amongst English and Colonial thinkers.
About 2,700 years ago a storytelling slave named Aesop told tales of political, religious, and social themes...
We have a two-party political system, one that evolves with time, people, and circumstance...
“The United States is a nation founded on both an ideal and a lie.” I offer these words of Nikole Hannah-Jones, whose 2019 essay is part of the New York Times Magazine’s “1619 Project,” to the Heritage Foundation and the horde of Republican politicians currently trying to update the look and feel of American racism
“Ten weeks before a white policeman killed George Floyd on a Minneapolis street, three white officers wearing plain clothes bashed...
“How deep does American racism go? And is it possible to uproot it?” Robert C. Koehler Published in: Bainbridge Island...
“Trillions of galaxies each contain billions of stars. A unified field of gravitational waves, black holes, and dark matter ties…”...
so achieves nothing beyond a fleeting sense of satisfaction…” Robert C. Koehler Published in: Common Dreams, Free Press, Tribune Content...
“The wound burst open in November. History, suddenly, could no longer be avoided. Reality could no longer be avoided…” Robert...
“As I watched “unity” take hold of the Democratic Party this week, the believer in me wanted to be imbibe...