A Call to Post-Election Action
A Call to Post-Election Action by Peter Bergel 829 words He Ran the Table Unbelievably, Donald Trump not only won...
A Call to Post-Election Action by Peter Bergel 829 words He Ran the Table Unbelievably, Donald Trump not only won...
Donald Trump and the Uses of Violence by Andrew Moss 896 words In a wide-ranging interview with a Time Magazine reporter this...
As wars rage, as cruelty shatters lives across the planet — as nuclear Armageddon remains a viable option for all of us — I think it’s time to claim some stunning awareness in this regard.
In 1954 one of the greatest frauds in US politics culminated in 36 days of televised hearings. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin had come to prominence by leading the campaign to expose communists in government...
Where, oh where, is the United States of America — global leader, creator of democracy, hope of humankind? It certainly wasn’t up there on the debate stage last night.
“Who cares about human rights? Not Trump, not his team. Here’s some of what we see…” Mel Gurtov Published in:...
“Protest. Petition. Call your senators. Nothing changes, right? No matter how large our demonstrations get, no matter how many millions...
“The paradox of democracy is that it depends on the integrity of those who have the most to lose if...
“It has been a rough few weeks, to say the least. Philando Castile, killed by police during a traffic stop,...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com ““The...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com “In...