A Kinder, Gentler Foreign Policy
Happily, in some measure, in his first three months in office, Joe Biden has shown a needed system change toward healing, sharing, caring, helping, and cooperation in his domestic policy achievements and goals.
Happily, in some measure, in his first three months in office, Joe Biden has shown a needed system change toward healing, sharing, caring, helping, and cooperation in his domestic policy achievements and goals.
The predominant direction of a progressive US president should be toward “Making America Safe for the World.”
“Writing on democracy, I’m reminded of a great old Stevie Wonder song, “Love’s in Need of Love Today.” Democracy is...
“So here is the state of US foreign policy today: Donald Trump pulls the US out of the Paris climate...
“Assessments are a key tool in most fields. In some industries they are provided through do-well/do-better meetings, in others through...
“On February 10, 2016, Peace Action—the largest peace organization in the United States—announced its endorsement of Bernie Sanders for the...
“President Obama’s failed attempt to “reset” US-Russia relations raises the question whether or not engaging Russia in the fullest sense...
“In the New Hampshire primary, we have raised up an authentic firebrand in one party, and in the other a...
“When I want to believe that America is a democracy — indeed, to feel so deeply this is so that...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com “He...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com ““We...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com “In...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com “President...
AVAILABLE FOR REPRINT. Copy and use freely. Please help PeaceVoice by notifying us when you use this piece: PeaceVoiceDirector@gmail.com “Along...