The Nightmare Returns
The Nightmare Returns by Mel Gurtov 859 words Fascism in Charge In his novel The Plot Against America, Philip Roth depicts...
The Nightmare Returns by Mel Gurtov 859 words Fascism in Charge In his novel The Plot Against America, Philip Roth depicts...
Are You OK with Your Country Going Fascist? by Lawrence S. Wittner 487 words Recently, many opinion polls indicate that...
Photo by Jørgen Håland on Unsplash
Normalcy and tradition held sway as — for the first time in my life — I watched a presidential inauguration live...
“”Post-truth is pre-fascism.” This statement closes one chapter of historian Timothy Snyder’s recent book…” Andrew Moss Published in: Donaldsonville Chief,...
“Political parties on the far right are today enjoying a surge of support that they have not experienced since their...
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