The Humble Pen Takes on the Mighty Sword
The Humble Pen Takes on the Mighty Sword by Robert C. Koehler 868 words Here’s an anniversary no one wants...
The Humble Pen Takes on the Mighty Sword by Robert C. Koehler 868 words Here’s an anniversary no one wants...
War and the Soul of Desperation by Robert C. Koehler 815 words I call it “naked insanity,” as in: the...
Photo by Pedro Mealha on Unsplash
It’s Getting Late by Lawrence S. Wittner 917 words For some time, it’s been apparent that the world’s nations are...
Absurd! by Winslow Myers 821 words Absurd — ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous (Merriam-Webster) The condition of absurdity has been examined in...
War in Gaza and Yemen Incompatible with King’s Message by Wim Laven 614 words “My conscience leaves me no other...
The Law of the Jungle: Our Teacher? by Robert C. Koehler 928 words Perhaps the primary value of war –...
Poetry Bleeds from the Shattered Normal by Robert C. Koehler 689 words What’s ordinary about life suddenly becomes sacred. This...
In What Moral Universe? by Russell Vandenbroucke 678 words What moral universe condones a surprise attack in Israel–lasting less than...
Israelis and Palestinians: My Imagined Dialogue 339 words (arranged by Russell Vandenbroucke) Man’s inhumanity to man,Makes countless thousands mourn. –Robert...
No Words to Describe the Suffering by Wim Laven 491 words For the last 18 years I have worked in...
Peace Means Embracing What We Fear by Robert C. Koehler 958 words “In the midst of our grief and pain,...
A Crisis in the Palestinian Authority by Mel Gurtov 478 words Israel and Hamas are at war, with many deaths...
Who Needs Nonviolence? Everyone. by Rivera Sun 566 words Done with violence? So are we. October 2nd marks Mahatma Gandhi’s...
Evaluating Three Peace Plans for the Ukraine War by Mel Gurtov 1428 words Ideas about how to end the Ukraine...