The Great Crossing: From Competition to “Coöperatism”
The Great Crossing: From Competition to “Coöperatism” by Winslow Myers 820 words A generation ago South Africa looked into twin...
The Great Crossing: From Competition to “Coöperatism” by Winslow Myers 820 words A generation ago South Africa looked into twin...
Beyond Conventional Joy by Winslow Myers 751 words The politics of joy? I’m all for it! Happy warriors? Bring ‘em...
The Biggest Military Base Empire on Earth by Greta Zarro 1012 wordsU.S. foreign military bases provoke war, pollute communities, and...
Project 2025, part 2 by Mel Gurtov 1063 words Last week I explored the politics of Project 2025, the far...
What Is a Crime? by Winslow Myers 714 words As another anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki passes and the survivors...
Nuclear Resisters in German Prisons by John LaForge 695 words A pair of front-line nuclear weapon abolitionists are incarcerated in...
Humanity Has Two Choices: Political Unification or Mass-Suicide by Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing 854 words The intensifying cascade of global crises...
by Winslow Myers 969 words Stupid, . . . from French stupide (16c.) and directly from Latin stupidus “amazed, confounded;...
The Forgotten Element in Averting Nuclear Catastrophe by Lawrence S. Wittner 967 words What will it take to end the...
Peace on Earth Day by Patrick O’Neill 953 words In the middle of the night on Easter Sunday, April 22,...
Survival Without Bombs or Borders by Robert C. Koehler 855 words An enormous flash, a mushroom cloud, multi-thousands of human...
Photo by cdd20 on Unsplash
When Nukes Are Illegal Only Criminals Will Have Nukes by Kary Love 876 words Dangnabbit, that’s where we are at. ...
Absurd! by Winslow Myers 821 words Absurd — ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous (Merriam-Webster) The condition of absurdity has been examined in...
NATO’s Steadfast Noon Is Ready-made Doom by John LaForge 600 words On October 16, during the NATO-supplied, nuclear-armed hot war...