The Power of Symbols: War & Peace
The Power of Symbols: War & Peace by Chris Houston 635 words A plane crash, an unusually named store, and...
The Power of Symbols: War & Peace by Chris Houston 635 words A plane crash, an unusually named store, and...
War is a language of lies. Cold and callous, it emanates from dull, technocratic minds, draining life of color.
The 14-year-old girl fumes at the dinner table. She got a D in math on her report card and notice of that was sent directly to her mother's phone.
Leave politics aside for a moment, if you can. What does the word “conservative” mean to you, outside of that cursed arena?
“The President’s call to “restore patriotic education in our schools” via the creation of the “1776 Commission” aimed at controlling...
“Whether or not Donald Trump continues in office in the near future, he has already contributed to a language of...
“I knew there was a war on against cancer and, oh yeah, drugs, illiteracy, poverty, crime and, of course, terror,...