Project 2025: Authoritarian Rule and Foreign Policy Mayhem (Part 1)
Project 2025: Authoritarian Rule and Foreign Policy Mayhem (Part 1) by Mel Gurtov 1523 words A Far-Right Conspiracy in the...
Project 2025: Authoritarian Rule and Foreign Policy Mayhem (Part 1) by Mel Gurtov 1523 words A Far-Right Conspiracy in the...
Damn those Marxists! You know their game, right? They want to spew truth and real history at our kids.
“The United States is a nation founded on both an ideal and a lie.” I offer these words of Nikole Hannah-Jones, whose 2019 essay is part of the New York Times Magazine’s “1619 Project,” to the Heritage Foundation and the horde of Republican politicians currently trying to update the look and feel of American racism