Speak softly and carry a big BATNA
Speak softly and carry a big BATNA by Tom H. Hastings 661 words Guns. Does any country on Earth have...
Speak softly and carry a big BATNA by Tom H. Hastings 661 words Guns. Does any country on Earth have...
A Political Lynching by Mel Gurtov 328 words The Tennessee House of Representatives, dominated by a Republican supermajority, voted yesterday...
That’s the guy’s defense, anyway — that plus his right to carry four handguns, an AR-15 and a 12-guage shotgun into a supermarket in Atlanta.
I’m beyond fed up that the gender of the murderers are still largely absent from conversations about America’s mass shootings crisis.
“On Tuesday evening, February 27, 2019, I attended a beautiful, yet painful, event, entitled, “Vigil in Remembrance of Those Affected...
“When 18 Leverett, Mass. residents launched their grassroots effort just after the 2016 election, they were struggling to understand how...
“It was a nice warm evening where children, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, and friends gathered to listen to country music...
“With a rainbow pin on his lapel, signifying–on that day at least–the most recent gun massacre in the United States,...
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