Is It Irrational to Be Afraid of Guns?
Is It Irrational to Be Afraid of Guns? by Wim Laven 604 words Hoplophobia is the irrational fear of firearms. I...
Is It Irrational to Be Afraid of Guns? by Wim Laven 604 words Hoplophobia is the irrational fear of firearms. I...
You may find this shocking, but a little over a decade ago I spent a weekend learning how to shoot a handgun — under the auspices of the NRA. I wound up earning myself an NRA “personal protection in the home” certificate.
Like a gravitational field, there’s a narrative that exerts a powerful pull on U.S. immigration policy...
“Whether or not Donald Trump continues in office in the near future, he has already contributed to a language of...
“Liberals and progressives, with the notable exception of Bernie Sanders, too often fail to appeal directly to white men in...
“Pro-Trump extremist Cesar Sayoc was arrested and charged last Friday (10/26) for mailing multiple pipe bombs. The apparent motive for...
“This is so much bigger than Brett Kavanaugh, or the outcome of his nomination. Women are suddenly opening their secret...
“In Illinois, as in all the rest of the states, it’s legal to carry a concealed handgun, unless you’re at...
“Some time ago I attended a “know your rights” workshop sponsored by an immigration rights organization near my home in...
“Watching the electoral cycle this year is like watching an old movie from a warped film reel with the sound...
“In a flash I thought, oh God, the civil war has started. Then the headlines shifted and, for the moment,...