No Holy Day: July 1, 2024 Negated July 4, 1776
No Holy Day: July 1, 2024 Negated July 4, 1776 by Kary Love 716 words The Declaration of Independence (“DOI”)...
No Holy Day: July 1, 2024 Negated July 4, 1776 by Kary Love 716 words The Declaration of Independence (“DOI”)...
Believe in the Declaration of Independence to Save Ourselves by Paul Hellweg 629 words We hold these truths to be...
Jefferson often conceded the Declaration of Independence did not state any new ideas but those that had long circulated amongst English and Colonial thinkers.
The idea that America is a Christian Nation is a modern myth. The founding documents do not mention Christ or scripture. While the word “God” appears in the opening of the Declaration of Independence, it refers to “Nature’s God,” the god of Deism...
“One of the great things about being a small-town country lawyer is you get to meet so many “ordinary” Americans...
“The great debate over NFL Players “taking the knee” has raised this question: What is an American Patriot?…” Kary Love...