Juneteenth, Really?
Juneteenth, Really? by Leslie Gregory, PA-C 753 words If hearing about the long struggles toward racial justice bothers you, read...
Juneteenth, Really? by Leslie Gregory, PA-C 753 words If hearing about the long struggles toward racial justice bothers you, read...
Father’s day/mentorship by Leslie D. Gregory, PA-C 552 words My father was a big man, seemingly more so when I...
Goodbye, Tyre by Leslie D. Gregory, PA-C 906 words When Tyre Nichols woke up the morning of the last day...
When we fix racism we’ll save or recoup the $16 trillion estimated to be lost in just this century, not accounting for the $2.4 billion related to health disparities...
I (Leslie) am a clinician and have been for many years. I’ve been Black for many more years, all my life.
“Some of us in the frontlines of health care have been trying to convince CDC to declare racism as a...
“George Wallace ran for president in 1968 and garnered a great deal of support from white working class voters, though...
“Why, in the era of the Worst President Ever, with racism and violence erupting with special virulence for the past...
“When Russ Feingold and John McCain reached agreement on legislation that helped reform the contamination of special interest money into...
“If we hope to improve public health, impeach Donald Trump. What is the evidence for such an assertion? ” Authors:...
“There are misanthropes who understandably and regrettably express grim satisfaction with the prospects of climate chaos affecting everyone so at...